The patient at the heart of digitalization


The patient at the heart of digitalization


The patient at the heart of digitalization

More than any other, LIFE SCIENCES industries must address ambitious challenges to continue their development and so respond in the best possible way to the expectations of both patients and regulatory bodies. Putting new healthcare technologies on the market, personalizing medication, optimizing the quantity of medicine for each patient and finding a more general way to personalize medicines can only be done through digital tools equal to these challenges.

In this context, Industry 4.0 is a major asset as it brings a flotilla of solutions to increase the competitiveness and address the enormous challenges in the decade to come such as fierce competition from Asian countries, new actors who are shaking up the present codes of behavior, more intrusive responsible consumers/consumer-actors and ever-stricter regulatory bodies:

Patient Experience

  • Personalizing the offers

  • Functionality economy (v. products)

  • Moving upmarket and personalizing

  • Closer relations with patients and responsible consumers/consumer-actors

Reduction of the “Time To Market”

  • Digital engineering

  • Connected companies: design, industrialization, manufacturing

  • Co-development

  • Data mining (Big Data)

Operational Experience

  • Flexibility and agility

  • Differentiation and competitiveness

  • Industrial tool optimization

  • Mastering the data

Patient Experience

  • Personalizing the offers

  • Functionality economy (v. products)

  • Moving upmarket and personalizing

  • Closer relations with patients and responsible consumers/consumer-actors

Reduction of the “Time To Market”

  • Digital engineering

  • Connected companies: design, industrialization, manufacturing

  • Co-development

  • Data mining (Big Data)

Operational Experience

  • Flexibility and agility

  • Differentiation and competitiveness

  • Industrial tool optimization

  • Mastering the data

The strategy to address the main challenges and support the digitalization process is based on three major points for which the consultants and experts of the SPC group regularly intervene.

Adapting the companies

  • Partners at the centre of the learning company

  • Collective and collaborative intelligence

  • Corporate Social Responsibility as a strategic focus

  • Integration of new market players.

Rethinking the industrial models

  • Expanded and connected factories (IoT, M2M, CPS)

  • Artificial intelligence and deep learning

  • New materials

  • Additive manufacturing

  • Predictive maintenance

  • Manufacturing workstation (AR/VR, Robot, Cobot).

A good command of the digital value chain

  • ATAWADAC (Any Time, AnyWhere, Any Device, Any Content)

  • Valorization of the data from the IoT to Big Data

  • Cyber security strategy

Adapting the companies

  • Partners at the centre of the learning company

  • Collective and collaborative intelligence

  • Corporate Social Responsibility as a strategic focus

  • Integration of new market players.

Rethinking the industrial models

  • Expanded and connected factories (IoT, M2M, CPS)

  • Artificial intelligence and deep learning

  • New materials

  • Additive manufacturing

  • Predictive maintenance

  • Manufacturing workstation (AR/VR, Robot, Cobot).

A good command of the digital value chain

  • ATAWADAC (Any Time, AnyWhere, Any Device, Any Content)

  • Valorization of the data from the IoT to Big Data

  • Cyber security strategy

The SPC group has been working with LIFE SCIENCES industries and senior staff in the digitalization of their companies for many years. With an excellent command of information systems and technologies coming from Industry 4.0, combined with the expertise in business processes and complex organizations means that SPC is an indispensable partner in this strategic evolution.

Whether you need an advisory service, help with integration projects, managing changes or training, the SPC group enables each of its clients to improve their industrial performance and address regulatory constraints and provide solutions which comply with supervisory authority regulations.

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