Implementation of a secure remote maintenance system



Major player in energy and nuclear fuel

Group with 17 industrial  sites in France and employing more than 12,000 people.

SPC has been supporting this Client for many years and has been strongly involved in the choice and implementation  of revamping of mining sites or studies and choice of solutions for the Group’s operating sites.




Implement a remote management solution for mining sites in a very strong secure context

Our client, a mining site manager, wanted to be able to observe and control its mining sites from strategic sites.

Deport supervisors to remote site, control and monitor remote stations, secure PROFINET exchanges between stations through firewalls integrating industrial communication protocols, reducing travel costs and meeting current environmental standards … these were the challenges of our Client.




The secure industrial firewall solution

A revamping of 2 mining water treatment plants had made it possible to modernize the IT architecture. Thus, the type of industrial communication had been switched to all-Ethernet.

The customer wanted a solution that met the Group’s cyber security criteria to facilitate interventions and avoid too expensive trips between remote sites (more than 100km).

It chose the MOXA secure firewall solution, which integrates the protocols used on the sites and enables scalable and selective flow management.

The validation on a pilot perimeter allowed our customer to verify that the solution implemented allowed him to work with the same level of requirement on the data refreshment and on the safety of control of the installations as in local.

The solution implemented has become a standard.

Son choix s’est porté sur la solution des pares-feux sécurisés MOXA qui intègrent les protocoles utilisés sur les sites et permet une gestion des flux évolutive et sélective.

La validation sur un périmètre pilote a permis à notre client de vérifier que la solution mise en place lui permettait de travailler avec le même niveau d’exigence sur le rafraichissement des données et sur la sécurité de pilotage des installations qu’en local.

La solution mise en place est devenue un standard.




5 sites currently operational and other sites to deploy

In production on the sites for 4 years, the solution implemented today gives full satisfaction to our Customer.

The maintenance of these systems allows us to monitor vulnerabilities and the implementation of security committees allows the customer to react to the risks of cyber-attacks and to be secure in the management of its sites.

A deployment program for other sectors has been set up for the next 3 years. It is clear that the approach used of virtualization and different environments (test, pre-prod, prod) to demonstrate the feasibility, flexibility and capitalization on the future deployment has been a guarantee of success in the production.

Our customer renews his trust in us every year for 7 years on these sensitive sites.

He is attentive to our proposals for the implementation of innovative and ever more secure solutions on these sites, as well as on other projects with high added value.



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